This section contains the terms and conditions applicable to Kongsberg Digital’s different cloud-based SaaS solutions. You can access these documents within the links below.
For further information please contact us at mailbox-trust.
Please select the relevant SaaS solution to access the legal documents applicable to you.
Here you will find legal documentation applicable for the Kognifai Maritime Ecosystem – a digital ecosystem consisting of Vessel Insight and the Kognifai Marketplace.
Please reach out to your Kongsberg Digital point of contact for more information.
Please reach out to your Kongsberg Digital point of contact for more information.
Here you can find your rights and obligations with respect to the usage of K-Fleet.
Here you can find the legal documentation applicable for the Kongsberg Digital Community, an online platform provided by Kongsberg Digital AS.
Here you can find legal documentation applicable for B2C Tenant - a customer identity and access management platform.
Here you can find the legal documentation applicable for the Kongsberg Digital Product Academy, an online learning platform provided by Kongsberg Digital AS.