Download our industry leadership survey conducted in partnership with The Energy Council and learn what C-Suite and VP executives have to say regarding green initiatives, co-innovation, AI, and digital. Then, join the movement towards shaping energy’s future through broader co-innovation and expanded use of enabling digital technologies.
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About the Report:
As part of The Co-Innovation Partnership, the State of Digital Co-Innovation industry leadership survey was conducted to benchmark and showcase how energy leaders use the collective power of co-innovation, AI, and digital to address the energy trilemma and improve financial performance.
The survey focused on key areas such as co-innovation and digital strategies to address the challenges of the energy trilemma, using digital for decision-making, and enabling greater performance. It also covered the state of the industry when it comes to scaling advanced technologies, funding the future, achieving performance improvements and expected financial returns and much more.
While the industry is progressing towards greener operations, energy leaders with knowledge and experience regarding how digital co-innovation supports the transition and their daily operations will realize sustainability, funding, and performance advantages that open up faster progress and new levels of success.
The report provides perspective and insights regarding how energy leaders are scoring their progress today and their plans for the future.
Within the energy industry, perhaps the biggest challenge is balancing how to address the often-conflicting pressures of today’s energy trilemma – ensuring energy security while providing affordable energy and reducing carbon emissions. Businesses must balance these challenges and evolve their business models while remaining focused on improving their financial performance – profitably and sustainably.
Given the complexity involved, it will take real conversations on what is holding the industry back, being open to new ways of thinking, creating environments for diverse discussion and debate, and fostering greater understanding of what can be gained through digital co-innovation.