Next week, the Tomorrow Show kicks off in Houston, and the program is full of exciting speakers with a lot of experience and knowledge. Here's an insight into what you can expect from one of the stakeholders: Andreas Enger, CEO of Höegh Autoliners.
Andreas Enger took the position of CEO of Höegh Autoliners in September 2020. He joined Höegh Autoliners as CFO in September 2019. Until July 2019, he was a Partner at Deloitte, holding roles as Head of Financial Advisory in Norway, Nordic lead of Monitor Deloitte, and Chief Strategy Officer of Deloitte Nordic. He has previously served as chairman of Posten Norge AS (the Norwegian Postal Service) and Chief Financial Officer of Norske Skog ASA, Executive management group member in charge of strategy and M&A at Petroleum Geo-Services ASA, Chairman & CEO of Peterson Packaging, and Partner of McKinsey & Co.
Andreas holds an MSc in Engineering Cybernetics from NTNU in Trondheim, Norway, and an MBA from INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France.
Höegh Autoliners is a global car carrier in the deep-sea segment, moving vehicles, equipment, and other heavy cargo between continents. They already operate the world's greenest fleet in their segment, but they have higher ambitions and goals: next summer, they plan to deliver the first dual fuel, ammonia-ready vessel. By 2027, they aim to have the first net zero deep sea car carrier on water.
In addition to their ambitious newbuild project and ongoing fleet optimization to decarbonizing their existing fleet, they are also modernizing their operations in a digital form.
"Succeeding with decarbonization and digitalization of the deep-sea shipping industry is a collaborative game. Nobody can do it alone. But with a strong set of suppliers and partners, we, as a relatively small player, can achieve a lot", says Andreas.