Optimise your maintenance and turnaround initiatives

To prevent unplanned downtime, industrial facility operators must invest time and resources to refurbish their equipment every few years. Now there is a more strategic way to approach turnarounds.

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Transform once-dreaded turnarounds into strategic opportunities

While maintenance and turnarounds are essential to the health of your long-term operations, you can streamline, simplify, and optimise these projects with the right technology.

Extend the life of your plants through smarter planned maintenance

Empower your team to identify areas of your facility that need regular upkeep — then schedule targeted maintenance to improve reliability and functionality for your assets.

Streamline and simplify all future turnarounds

A dynamic representation of your plant delivers the visual, spatial, and technical understanding your experts need to execute integrated planning, enhance collaboration, and accurately allocate resources.

Prevent costly surprises through comprehensive planning

The Industrial Work Surface's simulation and analytics capabilities allow you to see the implications of turnaround activities before executing them, so your teams are better prepared to move the work forward.

Maximise plant uptime and minimise operational delays

Maintenance and turnaround timelines can be notoriously hard to determine. But through the Industrial Work Surface, different staff with various types of expertise can quickly align and collaborate to move improvements forward.

Keep your personnel safe and productive

With your facility mapped to advanced Digital twin technology, you are better positioned to identify safety risks and implement risk mitigation. Planning features will allow you to reduce scheduling conflicts while maximising HSE factors so you can minimize disruption to operations.

Track and accurately report progress for turnaround projects

Access dashboards and information about maintenance history to see expected remaining lifetime of assets and compare this with benchmark information to see the full impact of maintenance and turnaround activities.

Tap into more powerful capabilities for your business

Generate valuable insights for better decision-making

SiteCom® – the Industrial Work Surface for drilling and wells – lets you connect rig operations data from several providers to better align key stakeholders and improve decision-making.

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Simplify rig management activities

Rig Manager® is a unique integrated rig management software solution developed to meet the many challenges of managing offshore installations. It helps you improve drilling vessel management and make daily operations more efficient.

Optimise your well construction projects

The consoles within SiteCom® Well Advisor enable you to leverage data from multiple platforms to better navigate the day-to-day realities of well construction. The result is more timely decisions, more efficient workflows, and reduced NPT.

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Maximise business performance and drive more value

Built with our proven technology, the Industrial Work Surface is already delivering measurable value.


New assets each year

Kongsberg Digital helps digitally transform up to 15 assets annually for the world’s largest oil and gas companies.


Reduction in time spent at work

The Industrial Work Surface enables users to instantly see where there will be conflicts with simultaneous operations.


Of users feel more efficient

With one system to plan, execute and close out work, 85% of users feel they are more efficient.

See why industry leaders are adopting the Industrial Work Surface

Every day, companies like yours use the Industrial Work Surface for better decision making that helps maximise business performance and drive value across the organisation.

We benefit from the real-time data and use it to enhance operational safety and improve drilling efficiency. In two years, the solution alone has prevented over $200 million in stuck casing incidents.”

Fereidoun Abbassian

Vice President Technology

Hoegh Autoliners logo
The additional insight and more rapid and cost-effective vessel management provided by KDI’s digital twin will supercharge their environmental performance and enable future benefits faster. We already see benefits on trim optimization, but when we add the data around other facets of vessel operation, along with training and maintenance, we expect further benefits and savings to come thick and fast.”

Sebjørn Dahl

Chief Operations Officer
Höegh Autoliners

Take a closer look at the Industrial Work Surface

Learn more about how the Industrial Work Surface will help you optimise your quality assurance activities.

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The energy industry is on the frontlines of efforts to tackle climate change with expectations for increased sustainability on the rise from a variety of stakeholders – from shareholders and potential employees to regulators and the press. Transforming ways of working and business models to be greener and finding innovative ways of reducing the carbon footprint can also have substantial benefits in terms of cost efficiency, safety, culture, and reputation. As a result, oil, gas, renewable and utility companies now have an imperative to accelerate the energy transition with the latest technology and best practices.

What it means to work greener with digitalisation

Digital technology has a key role to play in the energy transition, opening up game-changing improvements in carbon transparency and carbon capture and storage (CCS). Adopting greener ways of working to reduced fuel consumption and waste also make a substantial contribution to reducing emissions and decarbonising your operations. Take inspiration from these four tips to help make the most of the latest digital technology to work greener.

Increase carbon transparency

Bringing together and standardising all your data in the cloud makes it possible to track emissions more accurately. With effective emissions tracking in place, you can set net-zero targets and identify opportunities for sustainability measures. You can also monitor progress towards emissions reduction goals and easily report sustainability metrics to stakeholders, customers, and investors. It’s greener to raise awareness of where emissions are coming from.

For example, putting emissions tracking data in the hands of your workers enables everyone from field technicians to onshore operators to understand their contribution to reducing environmental impact. By understanding where emissions are coming from in the context of operations, they understand the impact that their decision-making at work can have. This carbon transparency into operations makes it easier to deliver on stakeholder and investor expectations, emissions targets and industry regulations.

Continuously optimise energy consumption and CCS

Use digital twin technology and real-time monitoring to reduce emissions by optimising performance, energy consumption and CCS. Simulation technology makes it possible to test and predict the performance of physical systems under different scenarios to improve optimisations. Monitoring the behaviour and performance of these systems further supports optimisations. It’s greener to cut emissions with data-driven optimisations.

For instance, in supply chain optimisation, simulation can be used to model the supply chain and identify opportunities to reduce carbon emissions, optimise production scheduling, and determine the most efficient transportation routes. For a case like energy nomination, machine learning models can help predict the energy consumption of any operating scenario to fine-tune nominations accuracy while removing up to 85% of manual work. All of this will lead to significant resource savings, reducing materials, time spent and, of course, emissions.

Reduce waste

Eliminate waste in your operations that causes unnecessary emissions by using machine learning algorithms to optimise planning and digital tools to support remote working. With predictive analytics, you can improve the accuracy of just-in-time maintenance, repair, and replacement to decrease the amount of work performed. Remote working reduces the need to transport personnel, supplies, and equipment, reducing transport emissions. It’s greener to reduce waste with smarter planning.

For instance, accurately planning in advance for maintenance or other work at a rig allows you to transport the resources needed more efficiently. This optimised advanced planning can reduce CO2 emissions from the consumption of water, fuel and materials while minimising the movement of people in preparation for on-site work – making it not only greener, but safer too . With a data-driven approach, actions can be prioritised to continuously reduce waste and progress towards net-zero at scale.

Build a sustainable culture

Build a forward-thinking culture of sustainability that benefits everyone by providing workers with technology that is digital by design and includes support for greener ways of working. Paired with sustainability training and incentives, this encourages sustainable practices throughout your organisation. It’s greener to encourage sustainable practices.

Encouraging your employees to practice sustainability is also important for attracting top talent. As many as 85% of university students considering a career in oil & gas believe it is important that future employers have policies for addressing climate change. When workers feel that they are contributing to a greener industry, they have a platform for innovation and creativity to express ideas that can further accelerate sustainability initiatives.

Learn how to get more out of your data in the cloud

All of these greener best practices and ways of working require a high-performance and secure cloud platform to get more out of your data. This is at the heart of allowing you to take a data-driven approach to your sustainability initiatives. Learn what to look for and how to accelerate your energy transition in the cloud in “Reimagining data management in oil & gas“.

Top tips for energy companies to accelerate the energy transition by working greenerTop tips for energy companies to accelerate the energy transition by working greener


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