Shell Commits To Five-year Jaws / K-ims Contracts Following Successful Tests

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Shell Commits To Five-year Jaws / K-ims Contracts Following Successful Tests

March 2, 2022
Time to read: 8 minutes
Morten Hansen

The provision of JAWS as an application within the K-IMS suite renders it instantly available to all K-IMS users.

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Over the course of the year-long testing phase, onboard and onshore monitoring confirmed that the JAWS software generated substantial average energy savings of 5% when its recommendations were followed. This benchmark data was contrasted with performance data gathered from the sister vessel Methane Becki Anne, which followed a similar trading pattern.

Over the course of the year-long testing phase, onboard and onshore monitoring confirmed that the JAWS software generated substantial average energy savings of 5% when its recommendations were followed. This benchmark data was contrasted with performance data gathered from the sister vessel Methane Becki Anne, which followed a similar trading pattern.

One immediate outcome of the tests was a commitment from NSML (Nigeria Ship Management Limited) to invest in JAWS software for 11 of its LNG carriers.

?JAWS has arrived at a pivotal time for shipping operations, when digitalisation is being recognised as a key enabler for an industry determined to cut costs, reduce emissions and enhance efficiency. It was encouraging to see JAWS referenced directly in the International Energy Agency?s World Energy Outlook 2021 flagship report as a key technology for delivering on emission-reducing targets in the shipping sector.?

?JAWS has arrived at a pivotal time for shipping operations,? says Karrie Trauth, Senior Vice President of Shell Shipping and Maritime, ?when digitalisation is being recognised as a key enabler for an industry determined to cut costs, reduce emissions and enhance efficiency. It was encouraging to see JAWS referenced directly in the International Energy Agency?s World Energy Outlook 2021 flagship report as a key technology for delivering on emission-reducing targets in the shipping sector.?

The availability of JAWS via K-IMS solution will prove indispensable in the light of the IMO?s imminent revision of its GHG reduction strategy. In 2023, new strictures will apply to performance measurements including the SEEMP (Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan), wherein ship owners are obliged to monitor and continuously improve their vessels? fuel efficiency under all operating circumstances, and the CII (Carbon Intensity Indicator), in which cargo ships are required to keep their carbon emissions below a mandated level, measured in grams of CO2 per DWT (Deadweight Tonnage) per nautical mile.

JAWS is not only applicable to LNG shipping: Shell is currently working with KONGSBERG to include JAWS in the Kognifai Marketplace, which will allow the system to become available to ocean-going ships of all types by utilizing the Vessel Insight infrastructure.

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Shell Commits To Five-year Jaws / K-ims Contracts Following Successful Tests

Morten Hansen

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