Kongsberg wins large contract to deliver an enhanced simulator suite for South Metropolitan TAFE in Western Australia

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Kongsberg wins large contract to deliver an enhanced simulator suite for South Metropolitan TAFE in Western Australia

February 15, 2022
Time to read: 8 minutes
Morten Hansen

Kongsberg Digital (KDI) has won an important tender in which the company will supply an extensive range of maritime simulator solutions for South Metropolitan TAFE (Technical and Further Education) institute in Fremantle, Western Australia. Funded through the Department of Training and Workforce Development, this contract retains a long and valuable collaboration with SM TAFE, one of the largest and most influential maritime training institutes in Australia.

The new contract commits KDI to the delivery, installation and commissioning of a complete maritime simulator suite of hardware and software technology, replacing SM TAFE’s current maritime simulator systems. The contract also includes digital services enabling online simulation training through KDI’s K-Sim Connect platform, as well as ‘train the trainer’ courses and a five-year support & maintenance agreement.

The delivery, scheduled for Q2/Q3 2022, will include K-Sim Engine Simulators with one instructor station, 12 student stations and a High-Voltage Circuit Breaker Simulator, enabling the safe, realistic and efficient training of electrical engineering students and crew, fully meeting the STCW requirements.

On the ship handling side, a suite of K-Sim Navigation simulators will be delivered. This includes two DNV Class A and two DNV Class B bridges with DP (dynamic positioning) functionality, two instructor stations and an ECDIS and Ship Stability Simulator Laboratory featuring an instructor station and 12 student stations.

The contract was awarded to KDI through an open and competitive process. “We are very pleased to continue our strong alliance with South Metropolitan TAFE, which is widely recognized as an establishment of distinction, providing world-class courses and traineeships addressing the varied needs of the maritime industry,” adds Andreas Jagtøyen, Executive Vice President Digital Ocean, in Kongsberg Digital.

About the author

Kongsberg wins large contract to deliver an enhanced simulator suite for South Metropolitan TAFE in Western Australia

Morten Hansen

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