Kongsberg Digital earns the updated Type Approval for D-INF along with Cyber Resilience and IACS UR E27 from DNV

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Kongsberg Digital earns the updated Type Approval for D-INF along with Cyber Resilience and IACS UR E27 from DNV

May 14, 2024
Time to read: 8 minutes
Kongsberg Digital

Kongsberg Digital has achieved a significant milestone in maritime digital solutions by becoming the first industry player to receive the IACS UR E27 approval from DNV. Additionally, Kongsberg Digital has successfully completed the first renewal of the D-INF type approval for Vessel Insight, including Cybersecurity level SP1. This achievement certifies Vessel Insight for installation on all main class and D-INF(G) vessels classed by DNV, ensuring compliance with DNV Cybersecurity Profile Level 1 (SP1) and IACS UR E27.

For the maritime industry to accelerate in terms of digitalization and decarbonization, access and sharing of reliable data collected from on-board components and systems is vital. Despite progress over the last years, lack of standardization and trust in data transfer and security protocols is yet to reach full steam ahead.

In a milestone for the industry, Kongsberg Digital’s Vessel Insight, the DNV type approved vessel-to-cloud data collection system, was the first data collection solution to achieve the approval for the upcoming mandatory IACS UR E27 “Cyber Resilience of On-Board Systems and Equipment” requirements. The IACS UR E27 is becoming mandatory for classed vessels contracted for construction on or after 1 July 2024 and brings the industry forward in terms of ensuring Cybersecurity for solutions to address digitalization need which ranges from efficiency, compliance and environmental scenarios.

IACS E27 represents a significant improvement in cybersecurity compared to previous regulations. Also, this is a class societies umbrella-wide requirement which means all needs to comply. Vessel Insight as an end-to-end solution are now assessed and approved for these rules, and individual vessels can be compliant with small audits from class society (DNV). By complying with these mandatory cybersecurity requirements, Kongsberg Digital is a frontrunner in the digitalization of the maritime industry.”, says Anders Bryhni, VP of Maritime Products at Kongsberg Digital.

“We appreciate the forward thinking of Kongsberg Digital in the their digitalization journey, especially with respect to trusted, secure and standardized data transfer. Back in 2021, KDI started its DNV Data collection infrastructure (D-INF) certification efforts for their Vessel Insight solution, and achieved the first of its kind Type Approval certificate in 2022. Even then, 2 years before the mandatory requirements came into force, Kongsberg Digital covered the DNV Security profile level 1 (SP1) requirements as part of the certification of their solution. This ensured that the cyber security capabilities of their vessel to shore solution is meeting the upcoming IACS UR E27 requirements. The Type Approval also eases the acceptance by vessel owners, builders, other end-to-end solution providers as well as third-party verifiers such as DNV”, says Qitao Gan, Principal Engineer of Digital Ship Systems at DNV Ship Class.

Press contact

Henning Hammer Torp

Senior Communications Advisor
+47 416 99 349

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Kongsberg Digital earns the updated Type Approval for D-INF along with Cyber Resilience and IACS UR E27 from DNV

Kongsberg Digital

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