Kongsberg Digital and Computer Modelling Group (CMG) have launched CO2LINK, a transformative simulator coupling that streamlines CO2 injection and storage processes. This groundbreaking simulator coupling software enables seamless modelling of the interaction between well and reservoir systems, traditionally treated as separate entities.
Spearheaded by industry software leaders Computer Modelling Group (CMG) and Kongsberg Digital, the GELECO2 joint industry project (JIP) was initiated in February 2022. The project unites a consortium of 12 energy companies and is supported by CLIMIT, Norway's national research program for carbon capture solutions.
The partnership has resulted in the development of pioneering software with the launch of CO2LINK, integrating Kongsberg Digital's advanced transient multiphase flow simulator, LedaFlow®, with CMG's reservoir simulator, GEMTM.
Facing the challenge of repurposing ageing oil and gas reservoirs, the GELOCO2 joint venture has developed a simulator coupling that the energy industry will harvest in the coming years. It allows operators to better anticipate and navigate potential bottlenecks and challenges effectively, significantly advancing from the previous methods that relied on spreadsheets to connect reservoir and pipeline simulations.
The joint venture is set to make a lasting impact on the industry. It offers a viable solution for carbon capture and storage (CCS) that aligns with the ongoing energy transition. As operators and stakeholders gear up to inject CO2 into empty oil and gas reservoirs, GELOCO2 proves the power of collaboration and innovation in driving environmental sustainability within the sector.
"CO2LINK represents a quantum leap in our industry's approach to CO2 management. By integrating the best of Kongsberg Digital and CMG technologies, we've created a tool that enhances the efficiency of CO2 injection processes and underscores our commitment to environmental stewardship. This software is a testament to what can be achieved when innovation meets the urgent need for sustainable solutions in the energy sector," says Shane McArdle, CEO of Kongsberg Digital.
"The introduction of CO2LINK is a demonstration of our commitment to innovation and strategic partnerships to strengthen our portfolio and enhance the value CMG can provide in understanding the whole CO2 system,” says Pramod Jain, CEO ofCMG. “We are proud to contribute to this leading-edge JIP and to collaboratively offer a tool that advances CO2 injection technology, working to mitigate risk and aligning with the global energy transition."