Antwerp Maritime Academy gets international approval for using Kongsberg Digital’s Cloud-based solution

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Antwerp Maritime Academy gets international approval for using Kongsberg Digital’s Cloud-based solution

April 19, 2023
Time to read: 8 minutes
Morten Hansen

The IGF Code is mandatory for ships using gases or other low-flashpoint fuel and has a particular focus on requirements for more natural gas as fuels. So far, over 130 people have attended the course at AMA, and over 75 people have successfully used the simulator while following the advanced level, required for officers.

Joris Lemmens is the instructor for these courses through AMA. He’s been included in the full process and implementation of using K-Sim Connect.

– Though we started with some challenges, I am very happy with the way Kongsberg Digital has supported AMA with assistance in the process. We wanted some changes regarding user-friendliness, and Kongsberg Digital assisted with every request. It’s now a fully operational system, says Lemmes.

Lemmens continues.

– The simulator allows the students to learn through a practical exercise after the theory part. I think that’s a good way to learn new things. Doing the exercise also makes students aware of the safety and difficulty around LNG (liquefied natural gas).

Alternative fuels used in the maritime industry require a different way of working. The IGF Code course enables employees and crewmembers to work safely with these fuels.

– Our collaboration with Joris and AMA has been a pleasure, characterized by a constant exchange of ideas and feedback. This ongoing dialogue has enabled us to continuously enhance and refine our system, and we are extremely proud of the capabilities of our cloud-based solution today, says Susanne Roth, Customer Success Manager at Kongsberg Digital.

K-Sim Connect is Kongsberg Digitals cloud-based simulator that enables online training/ eLearning with the use of recognized simulation technology. As an instructor, you can now provide your students with engaging and realistic exercises. And the students will have the benefit of being able to practice anytime and anywhere.

About the author

Antwerp Maritime Academy gets international approval for using Kongsberg Digital’s Cloud-based solution

Morten Hansen

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