Download Predicts 2024: Oil and Gas - Traditional Value Chains and Transformed Operations from Gartner®

According to Gartner®, "Oil and gas companies are refocused on traditional value chains, and digital transformation efforts show technology is essential for future operational excellence. To prepare for growing tension between old and new notions for exploiting technology, CIOs can use this research to align strategies."

For further insights – and to see why Kongsberg was named as a Representative Vendor  – download your complimentary copy of "Predicts 2024: Oil and Gas - Traditional Value Chains and Transformed Operations" from Gartner®.

Inside, you'll discover:

  • The interplay of economic, market and geopolitical forces continues to make business conditions volatile for oil and gas companies; however, they are adapting. In particular, companies are making clearer strategic bets on where to place capital investment.
  • In most likely senarios, oil and gas remain major contributors to the global energy mix until the middle of the century. Demand is likely to soften and decline gradually, climate goals and electric vehicle adoption notwithstanding.
  • Oil and gas companies have found it hard to generate returns from cleaner engery generation that are comparable to those from oil and gas.
  • These trends, underscored by the actions of som major players, point toward a refocus on oil and gas value chains in the longer term.
  • Global energy systems will continue to transform into networked distributed energy systems, replacing formerly linear energy flows, impacting operating models and requiring greater responsiveness, adaptability and orchestration across the value chain. Technology will be essential in enabling new capabilities that oil and gas companies need to thrive now and beyond the energy transition.

Gartner, Predicts 2024: Oil and Gas - Traditional Value Chains and Transformed Operations, Simon Cushing, Rich McAvey, 8 December 2023.

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